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Pizza Oven Exhaust Fan
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We supply pizza oven exhaust fan and we deliver them to your project/site.
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Pizza Oven Exhaust Fan
There are many different means of providing extraction to pizza ovens. The correct fan unit depends on the type of pizza oven you are using and whether it is gas, electric or wood fired. The types of fans will depend on the fuel the pizza oven uses, what type of extraction duct/flue/canopy set up that you have.
Electric or gas deck type oven:
This set up would usually have an extraction canopy hood fitted over it to provide correct overhangs over the appliance to comply with gas regulations and BS6173 and DW172. A ductwork system would then extend from the extraction canopy (fire rated duct should be fitted if the duct passes through a fire break / into an upstairs residential area etc. The pizza oven exhaust fan can be fitted within the premises or externally depending on site restrictions and approvals.
Electric of gas conveyor type ovens:
This set up is similar to the above but often require a larger overhang depending on size. An extraction canopy to overhang the gas flue outlet and the conveyor belt to correctly extract heat from the premises. An extraction ductwork extending to atmosphere and then the pizza oven exhaust fan fitted internally or externally again, depending on approvals.
Wood fired type pizza ovens.
These types of ovens that are fuelled by wood are usually fitted with a directly connected twin all flue insulated flue with a high temperature extraction fan unit fitted on the top of the chimney. You also see smoki "smoke scrubbers" incorporated in these set ups at restaurants such as Franco Manca. High temperature flues extracting from a solid fuel appliance must not connect into another duct that serves standard gas catering appliances as per current standards. This is a fire risk. Traditional wood type ovens that are not run on wood can be run on gas and similar set ups apply. Directly connected flue and high temperature extraction fan. These can be incorporated into a canopy system which we have seen/done in the past when a business is taking over an existing premises and wish to keep costs to a minimum.

There is some flexibility on pizza oven exhaust fan set ups - contact us for your free no obligation quote. If you aren't sure please contact us and arrange a telephone consultation and/or send us photographs of your current pizza oven set up. We'd be glad to help you!
A pizza oven exhaust fan needs to be designed and the right unit specified correctly to ensure an adequate working environment that complies with current standards and current regulations.