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Flakt Woods Fans
We work with Flakt Woods who are a UK manufacturer with a recognised body of work across various industries. We see a lot of their fans out in the field from their class JM series to the newer high Tec MaxFan Compac specifically built to provide great performance where duct systems are not the best in design. Typically when replacing an underpowered unit a maxfan compac could be used. As well as a classic JM axial fan to be installed into a ductwork vent system to provide air intake etc. Flakt Woods have a huge catalogue of products that are suitable for your application. They have an excellent technical support team and sales team all over the UK to help us/you with your requirements. Their factory is in Colchester and is developing constantly new products and ideas to improve air movement.

"Woods is one of the most prominent cooling and ventilation fan manufacturers in the UK and is globally recognised brand in a variety of markets from building ventilation and fire safety to bespoke industrial projects"
Maxfan Compac by Flakt Woods.
A fan built for commercial kitchen environments and high pressure duct runs.