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Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Fan Repairs
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We supply commercial kitchen fans and we deliver them to your project/site.
We can help you with your installation and supply requirements. One company = seamless.
Call outs involving an engineer are charged hourly to save you money. Surveys are free.
Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Fan Repairs
What types of commercial kitchen exhaust fans do you deal with?
We help with all commercial kitchen exhaust fan breakdowns, replacements, maintenance etc. There isn't a fan repair job we cannot deal with, whether its a exhaust fan controller repair or a fan unit replacement. All jobs are different and our team is set up to deal with your requirements. We can attend on an emergency call out visit and in the meantime if you can send us the details of the fan unit itself so we can research and find costs for parts that may be required.
We want to make the process of getting your commercial kitchen exhaust fan fixed as seamless as possible because having a commercial kitchen exhaust fan breakdown is stress enough without you having to deal with any other stresses relating to the job in hand. Our office team understand the urgency and our field service engineer team understand how to get the job completed.
What are the most common faults on commercial kitchen exhaust fan repairs?
- Common faults usually appear on commercial kitchen fans such as electrical issues
- Fan controller fuse blown, fan controller wiring faulty
- Sometimes another engineer has been in to site to try to repair but has caused more issues which confuse the situation
- grease build up on the exhaust fan blades
- the fan unit is not capable of dealing with the conditions its being expected to work in
- the unit has never been maintained or care not taken when cleaning of the duct system has been done
- fan blades and imbalances can cause motor issues
- grease particulate build up preventing the fan blades to turn causing the exhaust fan motor to break down
- gas interlock system showing that the fan isn't running in the kitchen although this can be a faulty pressure switch
- a pressure switch is part of the interlock system that detects whether than is running. The fan may be running but the pressure switch is blocked and can't detect airflow
The best step is to contact our dedicated office team that are on standby to help you.