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Commercial Inline Fans
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We supply commercial inline fans and we deliver them to your project/site.
We can help you with your installation and supply requirements. One company = seamless.
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Commercial Inline Fans
What are commercial inline fans?
Most commonly "inline fan" is a phrase used to describe fans that are suited to duct work systems. Most fans are inline fan units but what is usually being described is an inline axial fan, long and short cased axial fans. Often these are fitted to spiral ductwork systems but inline fans exist in different designs such as box fans, acoustic cabinet fans, centrifugal inline fans etc. An inline fan is a fan assembly that is mounted to a ductwork system.

Maxfan Compac
Maxfan Compac with single to three phase inverter. 355mm, 400mm, 450mm, 500mm, 560mm, 630mm diameter.

TCBB range
TCBB fan range with fan speed control. 355mm, 400mm, 450mm, 500mm, 560mm, 630mm diameter.

Woods JM Aerofoil
JM fan range with fan speed control. 355mm, 400mm, 450mm, 500mm, 560mm, 630mm diameter.

SCC elta range
SCC range with fan speed control. 355mm, 400mm, 450mm, 500mm, 560mm, 630mm diameter.
Above are some of the most common commercial inline fan units we see in the field fitted to lots of kitchen extract systems as well as other types of ventilation set up in commercial settings.
What are the most common types of faults and problems and what's good about commercial inline axial fans?
Most of them are designed to run at no greater than 50 Degrees C, so if you have a situation where the fan is overexposed to high levels of smoke, grease and very warm air from industrial / commercial catering settings then the fan itself could start to break down over time.
They don't have a motor out of air stream set up which isn't ideal for the point described in number 1 of this list.
Some of them aren't great under high pressure / under specked duct runs. However the maxfan compac is an exception to this because it is manufactured with a motor tha cant stall. Which means it will keep turning and drawing air even under immense pressures within the ductwork. Usually an inline fan will stall / cut out in this instance.
Inline fans are really useful because you can fit them often anywhere in the ductwork system so there is a lot of flexibility there when needing a good tidy solution.
Although they're not fantastic in temperatures over a certain point they're very robust and sturdy bits of kit. The casing is metal and the fan blades are metal and they have an IP rating which means they can be installed outside.
They're actually quite good for cleaning maintenance because you can take the fan blades out and properly clean the casing of the fan and the fan blades.
They can do high airflow rates for their sizes, they're particularly good to pair up with sound attenuation on the inlet and outlet side when space is available. Although if sound level is of concern you may be better to look at an acoustic box fan.
Need more information? Need more help with your commercial fan need? Call our office team they are ready to help you with your requirements. Our engineers are set up and on standby ready to go if its an emergency.