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Commercial Extractor Fan Repair Near Me
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We supply commercial kitchen extractor fans and we deliver them to your project/site.
We can help you with your installation and supply requirements. One company = seamless.
Call outs involving an engineer are charged hourly to save you money. Surveys are free.
We understand the commercial kitchen environment:
The commercial kitchen environment is an intense place so to have issues with your ventilation can make an already hot headed place even worse. We are on standby to get your commercial kitchen fans in full operational order or a new commercial kitchen fan installed or repaired.
Do you do commercial extractor fan repair near me?
Yes we work all over the UK, London, South East, Essex and further afield. Please contact our office team so that we can get as much information from you as possible and get to your extract fan repair issue.
Do you work with all brands?
We work with all brands of commercial extractor fans. We have accounts and access to all of the industry leading companies so working to get your issue resolved is not a problem.
What do I do next together my commercial extractor fan fixed?
The best course of action is to contact our office team who can liaise with our field engineers who can get to your issue and get you an effective solution.
The most common commercial extractor fan repair near me queries we get are:
- my extract fan does not turn on
- my extract fan makes a noise like its trying to start but it does not start
- my fan controller has no light on
- my fan controller has a light on but it does not turn the fan
- my commercial extractor fan only works at one speed and the control function doesn't work
- my extraction fan unit is not as powerful as it used to be
- my commercial fan system needs to be upgraded because we've added more equipment
- my interlock system says that the extraction fan is not working
Please see answers / causes to the above common points:
problem with electric supply on property, is anything else turned off / not turning on?
extract fan motor has an issue and is likely failed due to grease build up or bad maintenance
fan controller fuse has blown due to electrical fault in the premises, swap fuse, check switched fuse spurs, check electrical board
fan controller has light on but no power at fan? Issue with the fan itself. Issue with fan control wiring?
the fan controller has been bypassed to operate on one speed, or the fan controller has a "full" speed setting, check on the side.
extraction fan unit progressively got work over time, due to age, maybe filters are blocked up? Has anything changed on site?
Extraction fan unit can easily be upgraded and sometimes duct modifications are needed - more equipment / additional requirements can mean the duct system is okay, or the set up is okay, but a more powerful draw is needed.
Interlock system stating the fan isn't on, when it is, new fan sensor needed.
Do any of these queries sound like your issue? Contact us now we can help you.